Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just Another Generic Blog Post...


–adjective Also, ge⋅ner⋅i⋅cal.
1. of, applicable to, or referring to all the members of a genus, class, group, or kind; general.
2. of, pertaining to, or noting a genus, esp. in biology.
3. (of a word) applicable or referring to both men and women: a generic pronoun.
4. not protected by trademark registration: “Cola” and “shuttle” are generic terms.

Dear work clients,

Contrary to popular belief, "generic" is NOT a synonym for "specific." Please make a note of this.



1) "I would like a generic Chrysler car..."
2) " generic medical caduceus..." (I AM proud that you properly spelled "caduceus.")
3) "...need a generic [picture of an] iPhone..."
4) "...generic picture of the California Supreme Court building."
5) "...a generic car...a Nissan car would be best."
6) show a "
generic United Airlines jet..."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sleepypasture's Super Amazing Salsa Recipe

Sleepypasture's Super Amazing Salsa Recipe
28 oz. diced tomatoes
1 medium sweet onion, chopped
1 bunch fresh cilantro
2 jalapenos, chopped (remove seeds from one of them)
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. celery salt
1/8 tsp. oregano
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

Put it all in your blender or food processor and mix/pulse until blended. DO NOT LIQUIFY.

1 serving size = 162g
Makes 6 servings

Calories/serving = 47
Calories from fat = 3

Thursday, May 21, 2009

She's Crafty

It's no surprise that I love re-using and re-purposing household items. So when my ceramic dishsoap dispenser broke, I wanted to re-purpose something else instead of buying a new one. (I can't stand to have that ugly plastic dishsoap bottle sitting out on my counter all the time, no matter how well Method or anyone else designs their packaging.)

I had a few really cute glass soda bottles left over from various trips to The Soda Gallery sitting in my kitchen window that were too great for me to throw away. So on a recent trip to the Container Store, I found out that they carry these great pour-spout-dispenser-top thingies that you can use for olive oil or whatever. I bought them *hoping* they would fit into my cute Dr. Pepper bottle, and guess what? It totally works! I love its vintage flair. Tip - try using equal parts dishsoap and water for maximum pour-ability.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gettin' Some PRESS for Bike Friendly Oak Cliff

Bike Friendly Oak Cliff got some great press on Channel 11 tonight.

Check out the video clip here!!

Local Businesses Offering Discounts To Bicyclists

Want to be green and save some green? Some local businesses are offering discounts to bicyclists. "It's really a win-win situation," said Bike Friendly Oak Cliff member Andrea Roberts.

A group of Oak Cliff bicyclists are helping the environment and saving money. "Less cars on the road; that's a big goal of ours… less cars," explained Roberts.

Members of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff have convinced businesses around the Bishop Arts District to give discounts to anyone who uses a bike to get to the area. "We thought that it would be a great way to get people out-and-about, because obviously people like discounts, especially with the economy being how it is," said biking group member Heather Lytle.

So far, more than a dozen Oak Cliff businesses are participating in the bicycling program.

Some of the discounts offered to bicyclists include – the Green Pet store offering a 10-percent discount off all non-food products and Eno's Tavern giving the same 10-percent discount.

Eno's owner, Matthew Spiller, says offering the discount is a way of giving back to the community, and helping his business too. "We always try to support the local community that's around here and then also having a different parking solution, because we're tight on parking over here. It's a different method of transportation. It brings in a great crowd," he said.

Those rolling on 2-wheels say another benefit is that riders are encouraged to spend locally. "You always think of it [Dallas] as being a pretty car-oriented city, but there are lots of neighborhoods where you can get around on your bike," said Lytle.

Pet Peeve

When I send someone information about an event, and then they ask me to remind them about it later. Do I look like their personal event secretary? In my opinion, if someone is really interested they'll write it down, send themselves an email, or set a cell phone reminder.