Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just Another Generic Blog Post...


–adjective Also, ge⋅ner⋅i⋅cal.
1. of, applicable to, or referring to all the members of a genus, class, group, or kind; general.
2. of, pertaining to, or noting a genus, esp. in biology.
3. (of a word) applicable or referring to both men and women: a generic pronoun.
4. not protected by trademark registration: “Cola” and “shuttle” are generic terms.

Dear work clients,

Contrary to popular belief, "generic" is NOT a synonym for "specific." Please make a note of this.



1) "I would like a generic Chrysler car..."
2) " generic medical caduceus..." (I AM proud that you properly spelled "caduceus.")
3) "...need a generic [picture of an] iPhone..."
4) "...generic picture of the California Supreme Court building."
5) "...a generic car...a Nissan car would be best."
6) show a "
generic United Airlines jet..."

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