QUESTION POSED TO DOVE BY ME:Does Dove test any of their ingredients or products on
animals? Does dove use vendors that test on animals?
ANSWER FROM DOVE:This responds to your recent inquiry regarding Unilever's policy on
animal testing. We recognize the concern of organizations such as PETA
and individuals such as you, with respect to this very complicated and
complex issue. Globally, Unilever is committed to the elimination of
animal testing. We would like to take this opportunity to outline our
initiatives in this area and the significant progress we have made
toward meeting this goal.
Our position is, and has historically been, that we do not test any
finished products on animals except where required by government
regulation. In such cases, as part of our ongoing commitment to
eliminate animal testing, we encourage the local authorities to change
these regulations. In addition, we do not use animal testing when there
is an accepted alternative test or existing information available to
evaluate the health impact and safety of our products. In further
pursuit of this goal, Unilever has committed a significant amount of
time, effort and funding to developing acceptable, non-animal
- Unilever currently spends approximately $4 million per year globally
to develop novel risk assessment approaches to assure safety without
animal testing, such as the development of biological and computer-based
modeling techniques.
We believe these technologies will help replaceanimal testing altogether.- One of the major barriers to eliminating animal testing is the very
deliberate pace at which government authorities approve such
alternatives. In 2005, Unilever helped launch the European Partnership
for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA). The aim of this
initiative by the
European Commission and industry is to increase and
coordinate efforts to significantly accelerate the rate at which
alternatives are agreed to, validated and put into practice. The
organization communicates regularly with a mirror group that includes
animal welfare organizations.
Its goal is to ensure that everyopportunity is taken to refine, reduce and replace the use of animals.- In the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, we continue to support the
passage of legislation that promotes the elimination of animal testing
through the development and acceptance of alternative methods.
As soon as non-animal alternatives are validated and accepted bygovernment authorities, they are accepted by us along with the manycompanies and organizations with whom we collaborate. We appreciate that you contacted us about this issue and we thank you
for your comments.
Your friends at Unilever