Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuff Luff

More Twittering than blogging lately...sorry! *sheepish grin*

this is going to be rapid-fire style:
-obsessed with the new Bird And The Bee song "Love Letter to Japan"
-counting down the days until my arthroscopic hip surgery (and possible microfracture surgery) at the end of January
-Clive had to have part of his tail amputated due to a bad case of "happy tail"
-Mom gave me a hedge trimmer and an edger for x-mas; I thank her, and so will my neighbors
-working through Christmas and New Years for the third year in a row *sigh*
-my best friend Jill is flying down from Indiana to take care of me for a few days post-surgery (yay!)
-made some really damn good hummus this week (in my blender, for lack of a food processor)

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