Thursday, March 26, 2009

The True Story Of What Was

My SUV-addicted uncle once told me, and I quote, that "global warming is a conspiracy created by Al Gore." It took me about 30 seconds to get my jaw off the floor afterwords. I wish I could say that these pictures, scientific proof, or common sense would change his mind, but he's one of those people who doesn't want to discuss these types of subject, he just wants to quote Rush Limbaugh until he's red in the face. Because if he and others like him actually looked at the proof and admitted that global warming is happening right now, then they'd have to re-evaluate the excessive way they live, such as their gas-guzzling addiction, and love of conspicuous consumption. He couldn't be bothered with that because sometimes living a more sustainable lifestyle requires some change and compromise.

But for me, change is something I can believe in, and I have faith that enough people in the world have the intelligence, optimism, and openness to take positive steps in leading more sustainable lives, and that we CAN face global warming and turn this thing around. YES WE CAN.

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