I haven't bought new clothes in a long time. "New" as in not from a thrift store or a resale shop. Owning my first home has monopolized most of my budget for the past year, and even for a couple of years before that I was paying of credit card debt and not spending much on clothes. Suddenly within the past couple of months I've noticed that not only do my clothes not fit anymore, but they are looking RAGGED. Pants are too short, sleeves are too short, and I don't have anything to wear to say, a rehearsal dinner. I already went through all of my clothes when I moved a year ago, and got rid of FIVE garbage bags of clothes and shoes. So I had already drastically cut out a good portion of my wardrobe. And for the past two years I have been strictly forbidden to exercise at ALL by two doctors and one physical therapist due to hip and pelvic problems, so I've gained 10 lbs. I am now finally allowed to do SOME stuff (bike, swim, hike, etc) so I've started to get back into biking, but in the meantime, my clothes just don't fit. Even dresses that fit just last summer are just too snug to wear out of the house. *sigh*
So I have to buck up and buy some clothes. I can't wear my chuck taylors, a t-shirt, and my worn-out chinos every single day. (I'm 29, not 15.) Luckily for me, JCrew always comes to my rescue. I can't afford their clothes at full price, but they usually have some really good sales. So I ordered two new pairs of their trusty
TALL chinos in the next size up, a really
cute cotton/silk lawn top that can be dressed up, and took a gamble on the "
high heel flare jean" in the indigo wash (all on sale). They came in last night, and lo and behold, they ALL fit. The chinos are the perfect fit, and the heel of the hem isn't all ratty and worn like on my old chinos (probably 6 years old now). The top is perfect...doesn't need to be dry cleaned, is cool for these hot Texas summers, but just dressy enough. And the JEANS. So much cuter in person than online. Stacy and Clinton on "What Not To Wear" are always touting the trouser jean, and how it should be just 1/2" off the ground in the back when worn with heels, and I'm always thinking "yeah right, you're not 5'9". But these are L-O-N-G. I mean, I am wearing my second highest pair of heels today and they are touching the ground in the back. The rise is not too low, they have some stretch, and they have a trouser hem, not a typical rolled jean hem. No annoying embroidery or sequins or fancy-ness. Just a fabulous denim staple for the wardrobe. I have to say, I'm rather proud of myself. But I'm not throwing out those old chinos. I'm gonna roll up the right hem and use them as my new cycling pants...that way maybe they'll get loose on me again!