Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gettin' Some PRESS for Bike Friendly Oak Cliff

Bike Friendly Oak Cliff got some great press on Channel 11 tonight.

Check out the video clip here!!

Local Businesses Offering Discounts To Bicyclists

Want to be green and save some green? Some local businesses are offering discounts to bicyclists. "It's really a win-win situation," said Bike Friendly Oak Cliff member Andrea Roberts.

A group of Oak Cliff bicyclists are helping the environment and saving money. "Less cars on the road; that's a big goal of ours… less cars," explained Roberts.

Members of Bike Friendly Oak Cliff have convinced businesses around the Bishop Arts District to give discounts to anyone who uses a bike to get to the area. "We thought that it would be a great way to get people out-and-about, because obviously people like discounts, especially with the economy being how it is," said biking group member Heather Lytle.

So far, more than a dozen Oak Cliff businesses are participating in the bicycling program.

Some of the discounts offered to bicyclists include – the Green Pet store offering a 10-percent discount off all non-food products and Eno's Tavern giving the same 10-percent discount.

Eno's owner, Matthew Spiller, says offering the discount is a way of giving back to the community, and helping his business too. "We always try to support the local community that's around here and then also having a different parking solution, because we're tight on parking over here. It's a different method of transportation. It brings in a great crowd," he said.

Those rolling on 2-wheels say another benefit is that riders are encouraged to spend locally. "You always think of it [Dallas] as being a pretty car-oriented city, but there are lots of neighborhoods where you can get around on your bike," said Lytle.

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