Call me crazy, but I always thought the whole "two people becoming one" part of the marriage ceremony was metaphorical. However, judging by the amount of "co-blogging" (I may have just made up that term, I'm not sure) going on these days, clearly I was wrong. ("We posted a new blog entry!" "We have a busy weekend coming up!" "We just cleaned our bathtub together!") If getting married also includes losing all sense of myself and not even being able to have MY OWN SEPARATE BLOG where I can have MY OWN SEPARATE THOUGHTS AND IDEAS then no, thank you. I pass. Co-blogging must be part of that "for worse" section of the vows.
Lindsey and I were just reading your post. WE were just sitting here on the couch winding the evening down when WE happened upon your blog. WE found it a bit shortsighted to assume that just because a married couple shares a blog they can't have their own individuality. WE both happen to have a very strong sense of self, our own separate thoughts and our own ideas.
I'm sure one day when you're married you're husband will be ok with you keeping your own separate blog, even if you guys have family one. (c;
Not WHEN I get married but IF I get married.
And I'm not talking about a blog for keeping other family members up-to-date on baby pictures or wedding plans, but really CO-BLOGGING. People who write all of their entries together and don't have blogs of their own.
OR even worse, people who had separate blogs when they were single and then marry their blogs (heh) when they "become one."
Fair enough. I see your point there. I guess I've never really come across one of these co-blogs, where people actually write posts together. That does seem odd.
Yeah...I was tempted to post some actual examples of said blogs, but that seemed out of line. It's definitely a certain kind of blog. It's sort of like "we went to an art exhibit, and then we had sushi and we liked the eel the best, and then we drove home and now we're sitting on the couch together planning our upcoming trip to Portland where we're going to rent a tandem bike...". Whereas I would be much more interested in each person's personal experience at that art exhibit, or their individual impression of that sushi restaurant. These blogs tend to be seriously lacking in substance and/or opinion.
That being said, there are plenty of couple blogs that I read that have either person contributing separately, or writing together about their kids, or what have you, and I enjoy those a lot.
I hope that my clone, which I just found yesterday, and I can make a co-blog, that would be sweet.
yeah hollis, you're just so shortsighted!
one day, you'll be married and then you'll understand.
YUCK could you be any more condescending?
how about: I used to think that too until I got married, just wait, you'll see.
and: hopefully "you're" husband will be ok with you having your own blog
read: maybe he'll LET you do it.
AND that goes right on the list with people who tell me, "you're not a mother, you wouldn't understand"
yeah because I have no experience with children or LOVE. didn't you know hollis? you can't love anything or anyone except your own biological child which you squeezed from your vagina! (or does that vagina become "OURS" once you get married?) all other emotions up til that point are meaningless. and if you never have and never will squeeze a living person from your vagina, then poor poor you.
If this (plural like the borg) reader feels so sorry you and your poor unmarried self, just wait until "THEY" get pregnant and it'll be all "we know, but we're not telling."
to get so offended by your tongue in cheek post sounds to me like it hit a little to close to someTWO's reality.
So wait, which one are we?
Because the intent is to keep out-of-town friends and family up-to-date with our fabulous goings-on. But we also say "We did this" and "we did that." So, please, clarify for me.
Or should it be "us," since we are no longer unique, interesting individuals?
It's like the unity candle, but for blogs.
I have a blog to get away from my husband...does that make me a bad wife? hehe...
Whoa. Anonymous is a little bitter, I think.
Oh no, sorry. He/she just can't spell. I'd be mad if the educational system did me so wrong as well.
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